Factors Affecting Work Engagement of Caregivers in Small-Scale, Multifunctional Home Nursing Care (69243)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Poster Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Poster Presentation
Purpose To identify factors affecting the work engagement of caregivers in small-scale multifunctional in-home care.
Methods An unmarked questionnaire survey was mailed to small-scale multifunctional in-home caregivers in Japan using a convenience sampling method. In total, 191 surveys were distributed to 32 facilities that provided consent. The questionnaire items included the demographics, transformational leadership (TL), Gratitude at Work Scale (GAWS), Communication skill scale for Home Visiting Staff-Coworker (CHVS-C), and Utrecht Work Involvement Scale Japanese Short Version (UWES-J). The analysis method used a hypothesized model of causality from TL to GAWS and CHVS-C and from GAWS to CHVS-C and UWES-J. Based on these hypotheses, a causal model was constructed using the four scores as observed variables, and a covariance structure analysis was performed using Amos.
Results In total, 106 valid responses were obtained (58% response rate; mean age 47.3 years: 22 males, 84 females). There were significant positive paths from TL to GAWS and from GAWS to UWES-J. There was also a significant positive path from GAWS to UWES-J via the CHVS-C. There was no significant relationship between TL and CHVS-C. The goodness of fit for this model was X2=.206, df=2, p=.902, GFI=.999, AGFI=.995, CFI=1.00, RMSEA=0.000.
Discussion In workplaces where caregivers highly value the transformational leadership demonstrated by their supervisors, gratitude for work and work environment were increased, which encourages collaborative caregiving efforts that unite the team. Moreover, it suggested that gratitude and collaboration increased work engagement among caregivers.
Emiko Yamamoto, Aichi Medical University, Japan
Kaori Hatanaka, Baika Women's University, Japan
Noriko Watanabe, Japan Center for Certified Public Psychologists, Japan
Tomoko Tanaka, Okayama University, Japan
About the Presenter(s)
Miss Emiko Yamamoto is an associate professor at the School of Nursing, Aichi Medical University, Japan.Her research focuses on medical safety and nursing education with an emphasis on safety measures in the nursing care field.
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