Investigating the Relationships Between Attachment Style and Subjective Well-Being in a Sample of Remote Workers in Taiwan (69063)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation
With the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become a preferred work style for many workers. However, this study examined the attachment style and well-being of remote workers in the post-pandemic workplace, where human interaction and connection have been limited. During the past three years, we recruited a sample of 306 remote workers in Taiwan. In total, 81.0% of the respondents are aged 18-40, 17.3% are age 41-61 and 1.6% are 62 and older. To assess variables, we used the following instruments: (a) The Interpersonal Style Scale (Wang, Ching-fu et al., 1997), (b) Self-reliance Scale (Joplin et al., 1999) and (c) the Mental Health Continuum Scale (Lamers, et al., 2011). We compared dismissing, preoccupied, fearful, secure, counterdependence, interdependence attachment styles with emotional, social, and psychological well-being factors.
In this study, the preoccupied attachment style was negatively associated with psychological well-being. In the meanwhile, fearful and counterdependence were negatively linked to emotional and social well-being, as well as psychological well-being. Emotional, social and psychological well-being were, however, positively related to secure and interdependence. In addition, higher well-being was associated with a higher level of secure attachment style. In sum, attachment style has been an important factor affecting employees' well-being in the remote work context. Implications for human resources and other professionals will be further discussed in the conference presentation.
Jiayi Jian, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Yuhsuan Chang, Yuan Ze University , Taiwan
About the Presenter(s)
JIAYI JIAN received her bachelor’s in business administration from Yuan Ze University in Taiwan. She is currently enrolled in an MBA program at Yuan Ze University in Taiwan. Her research interest includes mental health and remote work.
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