Does a Positive Suggestion Work Better in Encouraging Positive Eating Behavior? (68930)
Session Chair: Thamonwan Chukhanhom
Sunday, 2 April 2023 11:20
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 708
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Due to the increasing problem of diabetes caused by unhealthy food consumption behavior, countless behavioral science has paid attention to encouraging people to eat healthier foods. Previous studies suggested that framing messages with low and high-construal influences people's food choices, and a sense of power is also found to motivate individuals to change their behavior. Thus, the current study aimed to investigate the effects of healthy messages framed with low and high construal levels combined with a sense of power on people's healthy food choices. In doing so, four-hundred participants were randomly assigned to one of five conditions in the laboratory experiment: i. low-construal level message, ii. the high-construal level message, iii. a low-construal level message with a high sense of power, iv. a high-construal message with a high sense of power, and v. control group (no message frame). Each message was presented in the "thank you”card, which was given to participants in each condition after they completed the activity that did not relate to food. Afterward, participants were asked to choose either healthy brownies or regular ones as a reward for participating in the experiment. The result showed that a low-construal healthy message influenced participants to choose healthy brownies (p<0.05). Unexpectedly, messages with a high construal level and a high sense of power were not shown the effects.
Thamonwan Chukhanhom, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Patcharaporn Mahasuweerachai, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Phumsith Mahasuweerachai, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
About the Presenter(s)
Thamonwan Chukhanhom is her name. She is a postgraduate student from the Faculty of Economics Khon Kaen University, Thailand. Her major study is Behavioral Economics: its charm turning mainstream Economics principles into a touchable real-life story.
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