Comparative Study on Causes of Suicide in India and Japan (68909)

Session Information: General Psychology
Session Chair: Rajbala Singh

Cancelled & Moved to Virtual Presentation | Monday, 3 April 2023 13:15
Session: Session 3
Room: Room A (Live Stream)
Presentation Type:Live-Stream Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

Cancelled & Moved to Virtual Presentation

This study aimed to understand the reasons behind suicide, a major public health issue causing hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide each year. The research approach was quantitative, using publicly available secondary data on suicide rates and other relevant information. The data was analyzed using cross-tabulation techniques to compare the reasons for suicide in India and Japan.
The findings showed that suicide is caused by a variety of factors, including economic problems, life problems, family problems, and health problems, and that climate change must also be considered an important factor. The study revealed that suicides in both India and Japan were more common among males than females. In addition, the causes of suicide were similar, including family problems, health problems, school problems, gender problems, and economic and lifestyle problems. However, social status problems, infertility problems, and the customary dowry demanded of women at the time of marriage were identified as causes of suicide specific to India.
The study also found that Japan had a higher suicide rate per 100 thousand compared to India, but the rate has been declining in Japan since 2016, while in India, the rate has been gradually rising.
In conclusion, this study demonstrates that there are both universal and region-specific causes of suicide, and highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing this pressing public health issue.

Aneesah Nishaat, Soka University, Japan

About the Presenter(s)
Cancelled & Moved to Virtual Presentation | Dr Aneesah Nishaat completed their PhD at Soka University, Japan. Dr Nishaat's research is related to comparative study of well-being between India and Japan, and is currently working as an assistant professor in Soka University, Tokyo, Japan.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00