Longitudinal Associations Between Depressive Symptoms, Self-Esteem, and Satisfaction With Family Relationships in Korea (68303)

Session Information: Mental Health
Session Chair: Xueqin Huang

Sunday, 2 April 2023 14:40
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 705
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

This study examined the relationship between depressive symptoms, self-esteem, and satisfaction with family life in a large representative sample from South Korea. The sample was collected over 15 years with a 1-year interval between assessments. The random-intercept cross-lagged panel model was used to examine the associations between the 3 variables. All within-person effects were found to be significant and reciprocal. This suggests that the 3 variables are temporally related. That is, within-person changes in one variable are related to future changes in the other variables. According to these results, indicators of positive mental health (self-esteem and satisfaction with family relationships) partially protect the general population from future depressive symptoms. In addition, depressive symptoms increase the future risk of low self-esteem and family dissatisfaction.

Mohsen Joshanloo, Keimyung University, South Korea

About the Presenter(s)
Mohsen Joshanloo is a personality and cross-cultural psychologist based in South Korea. He studies well-being, culture, and emotion around the world.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00