Unboxing the Pandora’s Box: The Educational Journey From Personal Stories to Inclusive Co-creation (68105)
Session Chair: Amy Wai Sum Lee
Saturday, 1 April 2023 12:15
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 708
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Ethics may not be a core academic component in the University curriculum, although it is universally accepted to be an important aspect of education across different levels. In some institutions it can be incorporated into the common core, or as part of the general education programme, while in some institutions it may take the form of co-curricular activities. In 2021-2022 the presenter obtained research funding from the university to conduct a creative research project entitled Pandora’s Box, to engage university students in a number of creative activities - including dramatic works, lyrics writing, personal story sharing – which aim to facilitate personal understanding and development. Among the research outputs is a multi-media learning kit entitled Unboxing Pandoras, which contains 9 personal narratives represented both graphically and verbally. The learning kit was the result of the concerted efforts of the project participants and workshop facilitator, in identifying important aspects of personal growth, interviewing individual members of the community, and designing graphic representations of these personal stories which might have extended meanings for other members of the community. The learning kit was disseminated among educational and cultural organisations for educational purposes, and welcome feedback and comments. The presentation is a report on the process of the learning kit’s creation, with highlights on individual stories, and the educational journey that participants have undertaken in relation to its creation and dissemination. The journey has proved to be creative, meaningful, and thought-provoking for the university participants.
Amy Wai Sum Lee, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong
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