Benefits Finding Among Spouse Caregivers: Exploring the Nexus of Gender Role Attitude, Caregiver Self-efficacy, Formal Support Utilization, and Benefits Finding (67689)
Session Chair: Miriam Park
Sunday, 2 April 2023 11:20
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 707
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Objectives: Interventions aimed at shifting caregivers’ focus from hardships to benefits to increase benefit-finding have become the focus of health promotion and gerontological social work practice. This study investigates whether caregiving benefit finding is predicted by caregiver self-efficacy, formal support utilization, and gender role attitudes among spousal caregivers.
Methods: A total of 210 spousal caregiver/care-receiver dyads participated in a survey from July to August 2021 in four Chinese. The survey used the positive aspects of caregiving scale, caregiver task inventory scale, and gender role attitude scale. All mediation and moderated mediation effects were estimated using SPSS26.0.
Results: Caregiver self-efficacy was a partial mediator of the path of primary stressors and benefit-finding. Formal support utilization was a direct moderator of the mediated pathways linking primary stressors, caregiver self-efficacy, and benefit finding. Gender role attitudes were moderators at these intersections.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the co-occurrence of high caregiver self-efficacy, formal support utilization, and modern gender role attitudes were related to and predictive of better benefit-finding. Understanding caregivers' gender role attitudes can help professionals develop caregiving stress interventions. Professionals should design tailored psychoeducational interventions managing personal moral concerns and the mastery of relevant skills to further promote caregiver benefit-finding and well-being.
Keywords: benefit finding, gender role attitude, caregiver self-efficacy, formal support utilization, spouse caregivers
Zi Yan, Waseda University, Japan
Xin Sun, Fudan University, China
Jiyuan Zhang, East China Normal University, China
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Zi Yan is a University Postdoctoral Fellow or Instructor at Waseda University in Japan
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