Investigating the Impact of Interdisciplinary Experience on the Learning Performance of Industrial Design Students (67501)

Session Information: Psychology and Education
Session Chair: Yousef Abu Shindi

Saturday, 1 April 2023 11:25
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 705
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

This study explores the impact of three different cross-disciplinary experience student groups on the learning outcomes of industrial design students (without interdisciplinary learning process, participating in interdisciplinary activity courses, and participating in complete interdisciplinary courses). To understand what kind of learning experience can effectively improve students' cross-disciplinary teamwork ability and the differences in the complete product development process. In the research, semi-structured interview questionnaires were used to collect, analyze and summarize the interviewees' learning process, practical operation and other issues. Quantitative evaluation is carried out through cross-disciplinary basic ability analysis (communication, reflection, practice) and product development learning effectiveness (Rubric scale) formulated by professional teachers. It also conducts qualitative interviews with students with different interdisciplinary learning experiences , participates in recording the students' special presentations and digs into the situation of team interaction. The analysis was carried out with single factor variance, descriptive statistics and interview coding. The results show that the teams of "participating in cross-domain activity courses" and "participating in complete cross-domain courses" are better than the teams with "no cross-domain learning process" in terms of cross-domain basic core competencies and product development and there was no significant difference between "participating in an interdisciplinary activity course" and "participating in a complete interdisciplinary course". Therefore, students of the Department of Industrial Design can cooperate with different faculties and schools by participating in active cross-disciplinary courses and improve their participation in cross-disciplinary teamwork through learning experiences.

Wen-Chi Chen, Tatung University, Taiwan
Chih-Fu Wu, Tatung University, Taiwan
Dan-Dan Xu, Tatung University, Taiwan
Meng-Chieh Liu, Tatung University, Taiwan

About the Presenter(s)
Mr Wen-Chi Chen is a University Doctoral Student at Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan in Taiwan

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00