Developments in Organ Transplant Ethics to Address Chinese Transplant Abuse (67455)
Session Chair: David Matas
Saturday, 1 April 2023 14:55
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 708
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
The Board of Directors of The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation on 26 April 2022 approved an updated Statement on Transplant Ethics which addressed specifically transplant abuse in China. The statement asserts that, in light of the evidence of transplant abuse in China, submission of data related to clinical transplantation or the use of tissue from human donors in China would not be accepted for presentation at a Society sponsored meeting, to the Society Registry or for publication in a Society sponsored journal.
This presentation would address this updated Society ethics statement as it relates to China. The presentation would
a) consider the research on which the statement was based,
b) compare the updated statement with previous Society ethic statements,
c) compare ethics statements from other components of the transplant profession with that developed by the Society,
d) examine the relevance of the distinction to the Society ethics statement between sourcing organs from prisoners sentenced to death, something the Government of China admits having occurred but claims no longer occurs, and sourcing organs from prisoners of conscience, something about which there is substantial evidence, but which the Government of China denies ever to have occurred, and
e) consider what improvements, if any, there should be to the Society ethics statement.
The general conclusion of the presentation would be that the updated ethics statement of the Society is a positive development and should be emulated by other components of the transplant profession.
David Matas, University of Manitoba, Canada
About the Presenter(s)
Mr David Matas is a Independent Scholar/Researcher at University of Manitoba in Canada
See this presentation on the full schedule – Saturday Schedule
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